Sunday, April 04, 2004

Weird LA - Part One

I bought a camera phone last month. Really, the camera came with the phone, as it wasn't really on my "to get" list. But now I have it. Granted, for a digital camera, it kinda sucks, but it has allowed me to document the strange when I see it ( and when I can get a hand free-this is Los Angeles, and everything is arrived at with by car.

So I'll begin with an installment of strangeness as I and my trusty SE T616 see it.

First Installment: Blatant Corporate Thievery.

The Exaco Station

I came across this gas station on Sunset Blvd on the way to the Hollywood Guitar Center. Being a resident and adopted-son of the Great State of Texas, I found this to be both hilarious and, at some level, morally offensive. Texaco is the gas station that put Texas on the map. Homegrown Oil from the state that cornered the market, then famously lost it in the 1980's.

I await Counselor's opinion, as he is knowledgeable of all things pop culture and contract-related..