Monday, September 06, 2004


Sigh, sorry faithful readers. EVERYTHING has been hard to get back on two feet coming back from China. It's been a whirlwind week, and the whirlwind is only beginning.

I hit the ground running last monday, and tried to scare up some work. I was successful and found myself working two days on Spike TV's "Carmeggedon", as well as booking time on Xenon/Universals upcoming "Eminem A.K.A." documentary, which is where I'm at right now. (Yep, laboring on Labor day. This makes it 3 years in a row.) Tomorrow I start on two promo reels for New Line over at Route 66 Productions. If I'm lucky, I'll start on a film in October with a good friend, else I'll happily go back to "Trace Evidence" for season 2.

It's actually a good time, working is coming freely, and I'm thankful for that.

The family is also moving. Our landlord raised the rent again, and we've been unhappy with the condition of our building for some time. So we found a nice two-story townhouse about 5 minutes west, which fits into the master plan of getting closer and closer to the ocean. We move in Oct first, so packing is now in order. Around the 14 days in a row work schedule. Fun fun fun.

I promise to finish and post my first china update soon!!!