Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Whew! To my loyal readers, I apologize for the incredible silence between postings. I've been all sorts of busy, and now I shall tell you of them.

First off, the show has been going swimmingly. As i mentioned earlier, the ratings are high, and getting higher all the time. Today I heard we are the highest rated show on Basic Cable. Take that Discovery Wings! The edit has been swell as well. In fact it's been going too smoothly as I expected more work out of it! By all accounts we finish on Friday, which would leave me 4 weeks to fill until I depart for China. Not much room to book something long term, but hopefully I can return for more fixes on the show, or book a commercial. Else, I'll pull some time on America the Beautiful.

Secondly, there's been China looming. More seasoned international travelers than I will chime in that preparation for the trip can be daunting. Especially if it's the first time to leave your home shores. I've successfully applied for my expedited passport, acquired tickets, arranged for vaccinations, and have shopped more than I probably should. My arms hurt today, but I'm the proud vaccinated carrier of Typhoid, Tetanus, Diptheria, Hepatitus A and B. Typhoid Loyd! Take that Mary!

So next up is the itinerary. Current plans are Shanghai, Bejing, Xi'an, Chengdu, Three Gorges and back in Shanghai. Side trips to Hanzou and another small town between B and S. Hmm, lots of hopping, should I pack malaria pills? Or should I brave the skeeters?

And Molly, I'll wave as I pass over, but Nippon requires all new vaccinations, and my arms hurt too much! Wah!