Tuesday, October 05, 2004

My political post of the day.

No war against terrorism can be won by the barrel of a gun.

It can be fought, surely. But it cannot be won. Northern Ireland and Palestine are examples of this. Because terrorism is not a disease than can simply be 'stamped out'. You cannot kill every terrorist because military actions can only create more. Irregardless of who is 'right', for every man, woman and child killed, there is a bystander or relative who will take arms to avenge. America is not immune to this phenomenon as military recruitment spiked after the massacre of September 11th.

The only way I see to 'win' this war is by ideology. By winning minds and hearts. Not necessarily to convince everyone that America is the saviour, but at least to convince the next generation that the path of terror is wrong. That disputes should not be solved with bloodshed, that more honor comes in valuing life than in taking it.

Therein lies the difficult path, the essential path, the path I feel the world must take.