Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Surreal LA

Any Pharcyde fans out there?  Know the song “Quinton’s on the way”?

I know Quinton.

Sunday, November 14, 2004


Ok. Back in town from a quick jaunt to San Francisco over the weekend. There has been ALOT GOING ON IN THE LOYD HOUSEHOLD these last weeks, and I know I've been so bad updating that no one reads my blog anymore. I don't care. I'll keep it up and start posting immediately!!!!

1st off: Ultrasounds of my baby!!!

Note the legs, hands and feet! Very active this baby is, kicking around even so small. It's still less than 20cm in length!


Saturday, November 06, 2004


HIS FIRST MOVE: Not too encouraging:
 The Bush administration announced Wednesday that it will run out of maneuvering room to manage the government's massive borrowing needs in two weeks, putting more pressure on Congress to raise the debt ceiling when it convenes for a special post-election session.
Oh, well.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Repeal the 22nd Amendment?

Interesting viewpoint on a topic long discussed. What do you, faithful reader, think?

Silflay Hraka: 22-Skidoo!: "22-Skidoo!

Finished the second volume in the Ambrose biography of Eisenhower over the weekend. One of the things that struck me was the attitude of the Republican leadership in 58 and 59 towards the 22nd amendment to the Constitution, the one limiting Presidents to two terms in office.

They more or less admitted to themselves that 22 was the stupidest thing they could have done. By the time they realized it, it was too late to pass a repeal of 22 in time to allow Eisenhower to stand for re-election in the 1960 election.

Ike would have won, too. Easily. The Republicans kicked themselves in the rear for years afterwards over what might have been--in private.

22 has hurt the Democrats as well, as was its original intention, of course. Does anyone doubt that Bill Clinton would have served at least three terms in office? In all likelihood he'd be looking forward to a fourth term now, heart attack or no.

22 needs to be repealed, but it won't happen unless there's a bipartisan effort to do so. Given the current state of the electorate, that means that the party that needs to bring up repeal of 22 is not the Republicans, but the Democrats. Any attempt by the party of W to jumpstart a repeal would engender a strong backlash against repeal on the part of the Left, and would likely fail, or require so much amount of political capital that the attempt would simply not be made.

The Democrats would face no such protests from the Left--though they would inevitably be accused of selling out by the unstrategically-minded fringe. The reflexive reaction on much of the Right would undoubtedly be along the lines of 'Please don't throw me in dat dere briar patch,' and it's that reaction that would allow the repeal attempt to be bipartisan in nature.

Then in 2008, W can stand for his third term--and so can Bill.

Won't that be fun?
Posted by Bigwig at November 5, 2004 10:48 AM | TrackBack"

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Disagreeing with the States

Ok. I'm glad its a state's rights issue. But I whole-heartedly disagree with legislating hate and discrimination in America. What's next? Keeping Spics, Niggers, Wops and Kikes from reproducing or Voting? This is one angry Dago.

From Life in the Pink
"We Tried

So, I'm a little disapointed and angry about the election. Okay, I'm a lot disapointed and angry.

Do you all realized that Oklahoma elected a senator who said that abortion doctors should get the death penalty? And South Carolina elected someone who said that single mothers and gays shouldn't be allowed in schools?

The anti-gay marriage amendments passing in eleven states also filled me with a warm fuzzy feeling. Hey, America, thanks for voting to hate me.

Has anyone else noticed that between the anti-abortion stuff, and the anti-gay stuff, the Republicans just seem to really want to control what goes on with the vagina? They don't want girls going into it, they want to make sure babies come out of it . . .

Well, sorry, guys, but your right to swing your fist ends at my face, and your right to legislate based on your religion ends at my cunt."

Turnout Blues

Ok, now I’m angry. I heard that although this was the largest turnout in US History since the 1960’s, only 1 in 10 voters were ‘young people’. College voters, first time voters. I had hoped that this election would go lengths to dispelling the voter apathy that has settled in our young generation. I’m no pundit, I’m not even Counselor, but I’ve voted in every election I could because that’s what makes the USA the USA.

The Election

Darnit. Ah well.

Monday, November 01, 2004 - Daily Dish - Daily Dish: "After the election results are in, I promise to:
: Support the President, even if I didn't vote for him.
: Criticize the President, even if I did vote for him.
: Uphold standards of civilized discourse in blogs and in media while pushing both to be better.
: Unite as a nation, putting country over party, even as we work together to make America better."

Annual West Hollywood Carnival 2004

What a way to celebrate Halloween! Santa Monica Blvd from La Peer to La Cienega was blocked off for the annual Carnival, which has been an institution in LA for much longer than I've been here. It was miles of food, music, dance, and mostly fun as everyone was here to see and be seen. Best collection of good vibes in this city. I've posted a webpage of all our photos here

The Photos

and here's some highlights.

Once bitten....



My fav's