Thursday, April 21, 2005

On Long Distance Relationships

It's truly a hallmark of our modern world when the trappings of business can happen in so many disparate places. In the last century, we mastered the art of the deal in far away lands. Air travel and telephone had become cheap enough to allow people to make the deal and keep contacts through well-meaning correspondence and frequent travel.

Today, we can do that without leaving home.

Yes, yes, telecommuting has been 'about to explode' for years. But in many cases, it already has. I offer myself as example.

I have my day job, which we'll talk about later. In addition to that, I'm editing a feature film for my friends Counselor and Alistair. Alistair lives 5 hours north of me in San Francisco, and Counselor resides in Beaumont, Texas. We email discussion as well as entire cuts across the wires.

I'm also working on a recording project with my friends Señor Frog, Galante, and The Duncan. The Duncan is in Illinois, Galante in Maryland and the Frog is in Austin, Texas. We each record ideas on our nefarious computers and post them to Frog's website. We're trying to give The Postal Service a run for their money. I'd call the project "The Internet" if that didn't sound so 1991. As it is, we're calling it Radiophonic, and we expect to start recording in Dallas (yes, ANOTHER city) sometime in August 2005.

(Though now that i've said it, we'll see. Isn't that how it works?)

And for the day job, even though I'm staying in LA, my director is flying on monday to London to do re-shoots with the star of the film.

It truly is getting international around here.

let's hope in 10 years I can phone in my cuts from Bahia brazil, meet the band for rehearsals in Dubai, and pay my taxes in China.

Fun, huh?