Sunday, October 10, 2004

Yay! the server is up again. Thanks to the technological day and age in which we live, my neighbors had two CRT monitors sitting next to the trash.
"They were from one or two tenants ago. Dunno if they work, worth a try...?
Well, grunge-monkey that I am, I borrowed the 14" and the crazy thing worked on first try. Worked well actually; it's one of those old NEC monitors that have all the calibration controls as knobs in the bottom of the monitors (unlike todays On screen display buttons, which really do more harm than good by obscuring the display you're trying to correct. And we all know they make them that way only to save costs on cheap components)

So I re-fired the server and discovered the single reason why it has not loaded the entire week.

"Non-system disk, please remove and press any key"

A frickin floppy disk in the drive was holding up everything. I curse myself for not seeking the simplest solution first, then curse PC's for STILL hanging on an issue like this. Please tell me if there's something I missed in the new BIOSes that make the computer act like a macintosh and do the right thing: if there isn't a system disk in the floppy, then move on to the next disk and load it!. Well, I can't fault myself entirely on that note. I am the 'power user' who knows how to upgrade a motherboard BIOS, but that falls in the realm of 'no casual user ever does that', which is what I always try to be- a casual user. And this is another thing about PC people I enjoy. They, (being the geeks, not the 89% of the world that just uses a computer), always bitch about how Mac's aren't 'customizable' enough, and how with PC's they can tweak and upgrade and fix anything. Now most of them NEVER DO THAT, BIOS upgrades included. My Mac can do a command-line unix and that's more customizable than any WinXP installation, thank you. More customization than I need actually. I subscribe to a simple analogy most of the time. My computer is like my car- i prefer to get in, turn the ignition, and just go.

So the point of this long wind is that the server is up, so my photos on this blog are also up. If any of you had not read the China Chronicles posts, the pictures are restored. The last edition will be re-uploaded with pics of Hangzhou in a matter of days.
