Saturday, June 05, 2004

Little Film Studio on Campus Fosters Dreams as Big as Texas

The New York Times > Movies > Little Film Studio on Campus Fosters Dreams as Big as Texas

The NY Times covered it, and there was a reception in the Champagne room of the Biltmore Hotel in Beverly Hills which I attended. And it look great. I'm glad UT is finally putting it's foot down in a bid to be great rather than crawl its way up behind NYU and USC. I look forward to seeing what the university may do.

It was a star-studded evening, most of whom I did not recognize. I shared air with such people as President Larry Faulkner, Tom Schlamme, Zalman King, and the amazing Tobe Hooper, who reminded me more of somebody's cool Austin Dad than a Hollywooder, and I think that's why I liked him so much.

It was a good night from a personal and professional viewpoint, and I met some good people. Which is the 'ideal' for me concerning these events. Good people. The question is, who would you rather spend 18 hours in a small room with? After a point, everyone out here is talented to some degree, so meeting people with soul is more important to me.

Back to work...