Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Ok! I admit it. I hate america. After reading countless articles by respected republican and pro-bush writers I've come to the conclusion that I've been deluding myself and my country. I hate america. I am a terrorist and most likely, I deserve to die. I wish to cast my vote for Kerry, who is obviously a deeply stupid man who only wishes America to destroy itself in the flames of Islamist hatred that currently consume the middle east. He hates the US military and wishes it destroyed. He only is concerned with what our enemies abroad think about the US. He wants to give North Korea what it wants just as he gave the North Vietnamese what they wanted. So obviously, for me to vote for him shows the fact that I am a Godless flag-burner who doesn't deserve to walk on this land that my forefathers shed lakes of blood for. If Kerry were to win the democratic-party-rigged election, then within 3 years America would be gone, split up by the invading forces of socialism, islamism and france. This would happen while Kerry sit idly by, concerned that fighting back would piss off Poland.

So I finally admit it. As countless pundits have reminded me, this isn't a case of different opinions, not a place for dissent or arguement. A vote for Kerry is a vote against america. And I should be burned at the stake along with all those copies of Farenheit 911 and Gore Vidal.

But maybe I should instead adopt the views of those same pundits. Maybe I should come to see Counselor and Ian as objects of vile vile hatred, instead of dear friends whose differing opinion I rely upon to constantly question my own convictions and keep my senses sharp. Maybe I should think that if Bush won 4 more years, it would be cause for revolution. Maybe I should look at that map of blue and red and mark in ink all the cities full of people I should HATE HATE HATE HATE.

Because nothing is ever personal in this race, isn't it?

Or maybe I should do what most of America probably will do, and rely on mass media to make up my mind for me. So I ask you, my faithful viewer, to tell me. What should I do? Should I hate all who oppose my views with the vile vitriol espoused by both sides of this debate? Or should I continue trying to believe that dissent can co-exist and create real progress, that 4 more years of anything is 4 more years of trying the great experiment of America.

Tell me, because in this day and age, anyone who listens to the media has a hard time defining what it means to be American.